Golden Goal
Golden Goal
Golden Goal

Product Description

Golden Goal is World Cup special edition E-Book that provides in-depth information about Qatar 2022 World Cup.

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Instant delivery after checkout. A download link will be provided to your registered email id after a successful transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can buy this book?

Anybody who is interested to know in-depth about Qatar 2022 World Cup.

Is this a printed book?

It’s an E-Book. Not a printed book.

What is the format of this E-Book?

This E-Book is in PDF format.

Can I access this book on my phone?

You can access it on a smartphone, Tab, Ipad and Laptop. Your device needs to have a PDF viewer.

How can I view this E-Book after the purchase?

A ZIP file will be shared with your registered email id after a successful transaction. First, you need to download the ZIP file and extract it. The protected PDF document inside the folder is the E-Book. The password to open the E-Book is mentioned in the text file inside the folder.

Is there any return policy available?

Unfortunately, it is not available for E-Book. Be careful before making the purchase.

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